The Chicago TI-99/4A

User Group

The Chicago TI User Group is one of the oldest groups dedicated to the TI-99/4A and

related computers. We have been in existence since 1980 and are in our 45th Year! We

concentrate on supporting both the Chicago and greater worldwide TI community.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, April 5th at 1:30cst

The first 12 Infocom Games are now available in the File Exchange

The Scott Adams Adventure International page is now complete

The Atarisoft section is now complete



Group Archivist

Victor Steerup


Faire Coordinator

Hal Shanafield

Meeting Production

Technical Support

James Mazurek

 Faire Support

Video Production

John Shanafield

 Newsletter Editor


John Behnke

 Support Services

David Behnke

Kyle Phillips

Monthly YouTube Meeting Link

Join or Host a Meeting

Countdown to the

43rd Annual Chicago International World Faire



Message Forum

Next meeting will be Saturday, April 5th at 1:30pm cst

Our monthly meetings are broadcast live via YouTube. There may be a delay of 15-20 minutes. During the meeting, you may make comments or ask questions via YouTube and we will try our best to answer.

We strongly encourage you to attend our meetings in person if possible. There is ample free parking located in the parking garage under the library as we as an adjacent lot. Meetings last about two hours.

We welcome comments and suggestions pertaining to the meetings.

Click on "You Tube Live" below to be directed to our live stream

CTIUG holds their monthly meetings at:

Evanston Public Library

3rd Floor Meeting Room

1703 Orrington Avenue

Evanston IL 60201

(847) 448-8600

Chicago TI User Group Meeting/Faire Location


43rd Chicago TI International World Faire

will be held on

Saturday, October 25th, 2025

From 10am - 5pm cst

At: Evanston Public Library

1703 Orrington Avenue

Evanston Illinois 60201
